Peanut - buttery smooth global money

> be me
> wake up
> it's 6am in some timezone
> 420 notifs
> devs complaining about too many users and needing to scale the systems
> put devs on mute
> belle delphine in my dms begging for influencer gig
> the growth stack is half duct tape, half me
> user funnel so thicc it's twerking
> take a deep breath, sip my coffee
> unbothered, unstoppable, orchestrating chaos into hockey-stick curves
> feelsgud.png
> I benchmark benchmarks
> I tweet telepathically
> I don't see faces I see ICPs 
> I dream in cohorts
> I am Growth at Peanut

This is us:

Testimonials from team members: โ€œThe peanut puns are tiringโ€, โ€œAt cocktail parties I pretend I work at a B2B SaaS because itโ€™s more believableโ€.


  1. Apply below and wait until we get back
  2. Intro call (~15 mins)
  3. Interview (1-1.5h)
  4. Reference checks
  5. Contract work (2-14 days) - letโ€™s ship!
  6. Long-term contract
  7. lfg ๐Ÿš€

Know a friend (we have bounties $$$) or this job description is not for you, see other Jobs

This is what you get: