Peanut Protocol - buttery smooth payments. Make cryptocurrency currency again.

This is you

(u love juggling things as in irl juggling businessy things, onchain and irl)

(u love juggling things as in irl juggling businessy things, onchain and irl)

You are delighted to see this in the morning:

hey @anon, could you please hit up any L2 we are deployed on for some co-marketing. up to you what we want to do but we are expecting more than a retweet. oh, for the event in two weeks, we also need the venue, event sponsoring, the schedule for the talks and cost, the marketing content, get the merch shipped to our airbnb 2 days before. am I forgetting anything? oh yeah right, thanks. oh also by the way, the event is taking place in micronesia and idk what that is. it’d be great if we could have some announcements about the partnerships and fill the content cal with 2-3 tweets a day.

This is us:

Testimonials from other team members: β€œThe peanut puns are tiring”, β€œAt cocktail parties I pretend I work at a B2B SaaS because no one believes me I am that I am fixing crypto payments at a company called Peanut”.


  1. Apply below and wait until we get back
  2. Intro call (15+ mins)
  3. Interview (1-1.5h)
  4. Reference checks
  5. Contract work (1-10 days) - let’s ship!
  6. lfg πŸš€

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This is what you get: