If you are using EthersV5 as your signer, you can call the createLinks
function to produce multiple Peanut Links at once.
import peanut, { getDefaultProvider } from '@squirrel-labs/peanut-sdk'
import { Wallet } from 'ethersv5'
const chainId = '11155111' // Sepolia
const mnemonic = 'announce room limb pattern dry unit scale effort smooth jazz weasel alcohol'
async function createLinks(): Promise<string[]> {
let wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
const provider = await getDefaultProvider(chainId)
wallet = wallet.connect(provider)
const linkDetails = {
chainId: chainId,
tokenAmount: 0.001,
tokenType: 0, // 0 for ether, 1 for erc20, 2 for erc721, 3 for erc1155
tokenDecimals: 18,
const createdLinks = await peanut.createLinks({
structSigner: {
signer: wallet,
numberOfLinks: 5,
return createdLinks.map((link) => link.link)
createLinks().then(() => console.log('Congrats!!'))
You're not using Ethersv5, but some other signing library (viem, web3js, wagmi, inhouse etc)? No problem! You will have to prepare the transactions(s), submit the transaction with your wallet, and use the resulting transaction hash to generate the links. The following code is an example that does not use a particular signer.
const chainId = '11155111' // Sepolia
const mnemonic = 'announce room limb pattern dry unit scale effort smooth jazz weasel alcohol'
async function createLink(): Promise<string | null> {
let wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
const provider = await getDefaultProvider(chainId)
wallet = wallet.connect(provider)
const linkDetails = {
chainId: chainId,
tokenAmount: 0.001,
tokenType: 0, // 0 for ether, 1 for erc20, 2 for erc721, 3 for erc1155
tokenDecimals: 18,
const numberOfLinks = 2
const passwords = await Promise.all(
Array.from({ length: numberOfLinks}, async () =>
const preparedTransactions = await peanut.prepareDepositTxs({
address: wallet.address,
passwords: passwords,
numberOfLinks: numberOfLinks,
const transactionHashes: string[] = []
for (const unsignedTx of preparedTransactions.unsignedTxs) {
const convertedTx = peanut.peanutToEthersV5Tx(unsignedTx)
const signedTx = await wallet.sendTransaction(convertedTx)
const { links } = await peanut.getLinksFromTx({
passwords: passwords,
txHash: transactionHashes[transactionHashes.length - 1],
return links
createLink().then(() => console.log('Congrats!!'))